Monday 22 December 2014

The Week in Pictures

This time of year is enormously stressful at university as deadlines are getting closer! For the sake of my sanity however, I've been making sure to take some time out of university to get some fresh air, see the sunshine and do some drawing. I even went to London this week to see a screening of 'The Wind Rises' to review it for Skwigly (I'll keep you posted on when that's up).

I found a lovely little coffee shop this week where I spent some time
enjoying a creamy, marshmallowy, sinfully delicious hot chocolate and drew
people in the cafe, at the bus stop opposite and at the cash machine too. Each
of these drawings are roughly an inch tall, scribbled into my A6 sketchbook.

Later, I spent some time on a park bench in the sunshine experimenting with hatching techniques on the trees and seeing how few marks I could use to draw a dog. It sounds funny, I know, but it was a very enjoyable use of an hour, I have to say!

There was a piece of broken pottery in the park
that appeared very red against the green of the grass.

At life drawing, our model attempted to make us artists appreciate
the strain that a model is put through during a session. One of the
first years agreed to try a pose that involved putting all her weight onto one
foot while holding her arms out and agreed that it is really quite strenuous!
Life drawings after the break:

Our life drawing session involved a series of poses where the model moved only a little from pose to pose and was directed by us, the artists. Each pose was made longer and longer and I discovered that while I love my pen for the short poses, using it for longer ones ends up in an over-worked drawing.

The university is closed now for bank holiday weekend, so having taken out books from the library I plan to spend it essay writing and presentation preparing, hopefully outdoors if the sunshine holds!

Have a lovely Easter weekend everyone and I'll be back next week!

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