Monday, 27 April 2015

Logo Designs

Lately we've been gearing up our end of year show - organising, advertising and what-not - and I had a go at some graphic logo designing. These were for a name for the show that in the end was discarded; 'Frame by Frame Cymru'.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Master Studies

Last week I visited the John Singer Sargent exhibition that's currently on at the National Portrait Gallery in London. It's an incredible exhibition that runs until late May, so if you have the time, I'd really recommend it! This is a study of Sargent's  'Madame X'. One hour, Photoshop.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Master Studies

Another master study, this time of a painting called 'Valley Thunderhead' by Renato Muccillo. Animation on the film is almost finished, so soon I will be painting backgrounds and I figured with Muccilo's dramatic skies and use of lighting his paintings were appropriate to study in preparation. Photoshop 30 mins.


Monday, 6 April 2015

Life Drawing

Keeping up the life drawing as a nice, regular break from the constant animating!